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How to be confident – A 4 step path to true self confidence

How to be confident – 4 steps to mastering confidence

how to be confident

You’ll be happy to know that I finished up my product on how to start conversations, become more confident, and be more outgoing!!!

It gives you the things that worked the best for me to go from a shy, awkward, and insecure guy to become happy, outgoing and confident. My guess is that it will work for you too.

Click here for the secrets to unbeatable confidence and how to be more outgoing.

But being self confident goes far beyond your relationships with girls. It’s a major part of our success through life, and a lot of people struggle with it. Unfortunately, this can end up in a vicious cycle where people who lack self-confidence aren’t successful.

But my goal is to see you become self confident and inspire others: your friends, employees, boss, interviewers, and potential romantic partners. And inspiring others is one of the best ways a self-confident person becomes successful and outgoing.

The good news is that you can learn to be more self-confident and do the same for your family, friends, and peers.

How confident you are shows up in a lot of ways:

  • Your actions
  • Your gestures and body language
  • The tone of your voice and rate of speech
  • And what you say

Take a look at the behaviors of confident people vs. those who aren’t as self-assured below and see where you and the people around you stand.


Low Self-Confidence

Doing what you think is right, even in the face of opposition.

Changing your behavior because of what others think.

A willingness to take risks and do more to have more.

Not getting out of your comfort zone because you don’t want to fail and not taking risks.

Recognizing when you’ve made a mistake and learning from it.

Not taking responsibility for your mistakes or making excuses for them.

Letting other people notice and comment on your successes.

Telling others about your accomplishments as often and as much as you can.

Taking credit for your accomplishments and graciously accepting compliments. “Thank you, I worked hard to become the person I am today. I appreciate that you noticed.”

Not taking credit for your successes or letting others compliment you . “Oh, no. That was no big deal, anybody could have done that.”

Do you see the small differences in the way confident people think and act? And how self-confident people believe they are worthy, capable and deserving? And if you’re not there yet, how do you get to be more self-confident?

Becoming Self-Confident

So what can you do to become more self-confident?

Well, the bad news is that there isn’t a push-button solution or magic pill you can take.

But the good news is that with persistence and drive to finish what you start, you can increase your self confidence. The best part about this is that as your successes build on themselves, your confidence will increase… and that is something you’ll have the rest of your life.

I’m going to give you a 3-part process to become more self-confident, but you can use this same model to get ANYTHING you want.

Part 1: Preparing yourself for success.

As you begin this process you want to do these 4 things:

Remember your past successes:

Think back on your life and all the successes you’ve had up to this point. Make a list the things about yourself that you like, admire, and respect. Include all your unique qualities and wonderful traits-all the great things about yourself.

  • Your Successes.
  • Your Accomplishments.
  • Your Strengths.
  • Things about yourself you’re proud of.
  • Times you did the right thing-especially when it’s been difficult.
  • Times you’ve shown your loyalty, honesty, and caring.

Write them all down in a “Success Journal” and then keep it somewhere where you can look at it once or twice a week.

You’ll see in this list the strengths and abilities you can use to become more self-confident as well as motivate yourself.

Get clear about what you want:

That about what you want your life to look like. What you want to be doing, who you’re with, what have, and the person you’ve become.

This is where you look at your goal to be more self-confident and see how important it is for you to achieve this to live the life you want.

And it’s achieving your goals that sets you up to become more and more self-confident.

Once you are clear about what you want and can see how important it is for you to build your confidence, decide what the very first step to becoming more self confident is. Make this an easily achievable step that you can commit to doing.

Where Does Self-Confidence come from?

Being self-confident boils down to 2 things:

One, believing you can successfully set and achieve goals. This is the confidence that comes from believing that if you set your mind to something, that you’ll be successful… and it’s what motivates you to accept challenges and overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

The second part of self confidence is a more all-encompassing kind of confidence that comes from knowing you can deal with what life throws at you. It’s knowing you have the approval and support of others as well as being competent that you can take care of yourself and do what you set out to do.

Create the right mindset:

I’m not one to suggest that you go around with rose-colored Pollyanna glasses on, but you DO have to be able to recognize negative thoughts and eliminate them.

It will also help if you use the visualization techniques I talk about in this post. You want to get clear images in your mind about what it feels like to achieve your goal.

Decide to be successful no matter what

The last thing you need to do as you prepare yourself for success is to commit to achieving your goal. Promise yourself that you will stay determined and committed to becoming more self-confident.

If you have any doubts about your level of commitment, jot them down and think about them logically. Most of the time they won’t be nearly as serious as you originally thought. But if there is something there that could stop you, then you need to make sub-goals to overcome those things.

The most important thing is that you make the promise to yourself that you will do this, no matter what.

Part 2: Start on your path to becoming more confident!

Begin as soon as possible by taking the action you decided on above. Once you accomplish that, give yourself a reward and begin the next step. When you achieve that, CELEBRATE! Make these first steps small, easy things that put you on the road to success, this will IMMEDIATELY get the ball rolling and build your confidence.

Put together the skill set you need to be successful

There are going to be some skills, knowledge and you have to have to become more confident. Find the best way you can to get these skills and information. Don’t settle for “good enough for now” look for a long term solution like a program or course that prepares you for success.

Keep it simple

Stick to the basics. Don’t look for shortcuts or a quick fix. When you’re achieving any goal, there is a foundation of knowledge and skills that you need to succeed. Stay focused on those fundamentals.

Manage the successes and setbacks

As you move along your path to becoming more confident, you are going to have successes and failures… just like everyone else.

You need to respond to both so that you stay motivated. When you are successful, celebrate! Give yourself a reward, pat yourself on the back, and enjoy the feeling.

On the other hand, you also need to deal with failures. Know that you are ALWAYS going to have setbacks, it’s expected and part of learning new things.

Look at the mistakes you make as learning experiences and see what you can gain from the experience.

Step 3: Increase the intensity

At this point you’ll feel a lot more self-confident. You’re done with some of the programs to gain new skills and knowledge and you’ve got a string of small successes behind you.

This is where you push yourself a little harder. Make your goals harder to achieve and challenge yourself a little more. Push yourself to apply your new skills into other areas of your life.

As you ask more of yourself, your self-confidence will grow with your achievements! You’ll find you feel a HUGE sense of satisfaction because you earn your self-confidence and you’ve put the work in to be successful.

Also, I put together an entire program for you on how to start conversations, become more confident, and be outgoing. I give you the things that worked the best for me to go from a shy, awkward, and lonely guy to become happy, outgoing and confident. My guess is that it will work for you too. Click here for the secrets to being liked and how to be more outgoing.