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Online Dating Profile Picture Tips

Online Dating Profile Picture Tips: A few pictures you gotta have

online dating profile picture tips for guys

The biggest tip I can give you for your online dating profile pictures is to have at least 4 of them. The ones in this post are a great start!

There are some online dating profile picture tips that you have to include to be successful.

Good advice about pictures for your online dating profile is hard to find, but this is the newest information out there (The first post on pictures is here).

You’ve already got your main profile picture up and you need 5 additional photos. We’re going to go through 3 more pictures that look like they might be “must haves”.

And yeah, I know getting some of these might be a bother, but do your best. Part of the reason women will respond to you is the time it looks like it took you to put together your profile.

Online Dating Profile Tips for Men: 3 important pictures for your profile:

1. You in another country or traveling to somewhere popular in the United States.

You need to give the impression that you are interesting

Traveling makes you seem interesting. Depending on the pictures you take and the impression you’re trying to make, these shots can also make you seem adventurous, which is an almost universal turn-on for women.

Even if you haven’t been out of the country, get some pictures of yourself at an amusement park, a national landmark, or someplace people want to vacation to.

If you’re from a smaller community, go to a big city like New York or LA and take shots on 5th Avenue or in Hollywood.

Hollywood Star for Sylvester Stallone in California

Even just an image of somewhere people recognize is okay if you’re not in the picture. Obviously, it’s better if you’re in it though.

It’s best if you can be doing something interesting in your pictures. You sitting at a restaurant eating ice cream in Africa with a bunch of your friends from home doesn’t convey “adventurous”. It shows you’re the same boring guy when you travel. So get a shot of you white water rafting, eating raw bamboo worms, climbing a rock face, or holding a gun on a safari… anything that shows you live life on the edge a bit.

2. You in any kind of leadership position

What you’re after here is to show that you are a leader. If you have a picture of yourself in the front of the room with people in what might look like an audience, use it.

If you don’t have a shot like this, you can fake one. Get a bunch of friends together, or wait until they’re together, like at a party or something, and then ask them all to stand around you while you explain something. Maybe not everyone’s friends would do this for them, but some of yours will. So use the opportunity.

Likewise, if you have the opportunity to give a presentation at work, dress nice, get up front and have someone take a picture of you, or preferably, a bunch of pictures of you so you can sort through them for the best shot.

You can find a public meeting and get your pictures. Go to a PTA thing or something at the Rotary, a Toastmasters meeting or whatever. Ask if you can make a quick announcement and then have someone take a bunch of pictures of you in front of the group while you simply thank them for letting you come to their meeting.

An out of shape guy doing a belly flop. Among my online dating profile picture tips is NOT to hide the shape you're in, just make it fun!

Even if you’re out of shape, it’s a good idea to put a full body shot in. If you can make the picture fun, like this one, it will go a long way toward impressing women.

3. A full body shot

Even if you’re not in the best shape, include a shot of yourself from head to toe. All you’re looking for here is to give them a glimpse of all of you. The devil known is better than the devil unknown.

Your full body shot can be close up or far away, depending on your physique. If you are in good shape, get the camera in close so they can see that you have a decent body. If you’re not in the best of shape, there are a couple of things you can do to disguise it.

Taller is more attractive to most women and there are a few things you can do to make yourself look taller. Taking the picture (or cropping it later) so there isn’t much room at the top of the photo will work. So does having your picture taken with people shorter than you. A shirt with vertical stripes will make you seem taller and slimmer.

If you’re overweight, put up a picture from further away, so you’re smaller in the frame. With lots of space around you, it’s harder to see what kind of shape you’re really in, and it gives you more room in the picture so you look smaller. It also helps if there’s something huge in the background that towers over you, like a house or a mountain.

All you have to do is let them see you don’t have one leg or six fingers. And if you do, well that’s the kind of thing you have to throw out there right away anyway, like I said in the first post.

Follow this advice and you’ll see your profile pictures creating a lot more success for you.

That’s it for this post on online dating profile picture tips, I’ll have some more on pictures up for you later this week. I appreciate your emails, guys. Thanks!

You probably already have my book on writing a profile including a full chapter on pics, how to cover up flaws, make yourself look taller, and thinner AND get women to emotionally connect with you so they email you first. If you don’t have it for some crazy reason, you can go to this page and buy Magnetic Profiles right now.

Talk later—JT

You also might want to check out these posts:
The two most important profile pictures

A couple more good pictures to choose from.

For a system you can use to create your entire online dating profile click on this link.

2 comments… add one
  • Pece

    WOW!! AOL takes me back some years. But see thats a pecfert example of how people live a double life online and lie thur their teeth!! lol

    • JT

      Not everyone lies online. yes, most people do. i do. if i didn’t, i’d actually make a point of saying that in my profile.