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“Truly Connect With The Woman
Of Your Dreams And Keep
Her Attracted To You!”

I want to give you the opportunity to get in on what might just be a game-changer for both of us.

For me, this is the realization of a dream I have had for years.

And for you, it just might be the…

Chance of a Lifetime!

Let me explain…

I was recently offered my own TV Series along with a book deal that would have made me a household name… I probably would have been more famous than any other “relationship expert” in the world.

A life-changing opportunity like that really made me think about what I want to do with my life, and what I wanted my life to mean.

After A LOT of thought, long discussions with family, friends, and the guys I’m coaching…

I decided to turn it all down… for you!

I gave up what some people think is the opportunity of a lifetime to start what I dreamed about when I first started my blog 4 years ago…

And that is to take good, honest guys who respect women and treat them well (guys like you) and…

Show You How To Be Great With Women.

And not just be great with women, but in the process become the man you want to be. Kinda like the Superman thing… where you go in the phone booth as Clark Kent where you’re just a regular guy…

…and instantly emerge as the superhero where guys want to be you and women want to do you.

That’s what I want for you.

So, before I got caught up in all the fame and fortune… and maybe even got lost in it, I’ve decided that now is the time to go for it and do my best for myself and do my best for you…

And as a way to show my appreciation, I’ve arranged something special just for you…

A One-Time Special Offer!

It’s an opportunity for YOU to get the woman of your dreams!

Here’s the deal…

I’ve started a new “paper and ink” monthly newsletter…

The JT Pierce Letter!


It’s My Insider’s
Membership Only Club

Every month you’ll get unique insider info and attraction strategies you will NEVER read in any other publication in the entire world.

Here’s just a small SAMPLE of what I’m going to reveal in The JT Pierce Letter:

greenticHow to feel at ease walking up to any girl and starting a fun, engaging conversation AND have it be totally comfortable for both of you.

greenticThe keys for women to see you as boyfriend material.

greenticMaintaining a relationship and keeping a beautiful woman attracted to you over the long-term.

greenticHow to be naturally confident and attractive around women.

greenticHow to overcome a woman’s insecurities and make her feel beautiful and sexy with you.

greenticHow to get over the fear that stops you from starting a conversation with a girl.

greenticHow to develop strong self-esteem and an attractive self-concept.

I want you to SEE FOR YOURSELF the value of this rare opportunity… and experience FIRST HAND the quantum leaps you can achieve as soon as you discover the missing pieces to your own dating puzzle.

Magnetic Profile Customer Special

By the way, this is what the envelope your newsletter comes in looks like.
This is the copy that came to my house.


Since I want you to have every possible advantage to help you reach your goals as quickly as possible… you’ll also get…

A Webinar With Me… Every Single Month


These webinars are between 1 1/2 and 2 hours and I take whatever topic YOU want to talk about and give an in-depth presentation on them. (ie. Writing Online Dating Emails, How to Approach Women, and Making Yourself an Attractive Man).

If you miss the webinar, NO PROBLEM, you get a link to watch the replay so you can study the techniques at your own pace.

On each monthly webinar I’ll answer questions, evaluate your ideas and reveal results of any new tests I’ve done that are working well… so you can use them with the women in your life.

In addition to the monthly webinars, you’ll also get…

Personal One-On-One Phone Time With Me!

one on one phone call

I’ll set aside several hours of open call-in time every month. You’ll get to talk with me one-on-one about any seduction, attraction or life questions that have been bothering you.

This is an unprecedented opportunity to pick my brain, get advice, and learn what to do to seduce that one particualr girl you’re after.


Plus A Couple of Bonuses to Sweeten The Deal…

As a bonus for signing up RIGHT NOW, I will send you 2 free gifts by USPS First Class Mail!

Your first gift is my Secrets to Attraction CD… it’s an interview I did where I shared my best techniques from 30 years of meeting women.

secrets to attraction

This interview gives you more unique attraction secrets than I can tell you about here.

But, just to give you a glimpse of what’s on this recording, here’s some highlights you’ll discover from the first 25 minutes alone .

greenticHow you can be a nice guy and STILL get the girl. This blows away the biggest lies told about how women react to “nice guys”.

greenticI also show you the top 10 mistakes guys make when they talk to women they are attracted to. . . And how you can be sure you don’t make those same mistakes.

greenticHow to think and act so that you are naturally attractive to women.

greenticHow to let a woman know you’re interested off as a creep or an ass kisser.

greenticA simple three step technique to get a woman incredibly attracted to you. The more you do this, the more she’s going to get hooked on you.



I added a 32 page companion booklet that adds to and clarifies everything in the interview.

free bouns gifts

Your second gift is a routine you can use to really connect with a girl.

I took a routine someone really famous showed me before he wrote his
book and made it 100 times better so you can
Create An Instant Connection

free bouns gifts

I don’t want to spoil it for you, so I’m not going to tell you exactly what it is.

I will tell you that this technique is the number one thing I rely on early on in a seduction to get a girl addicted to me.

It’s the exact method I used a month after my 41st birthday to seduce an 18 year old from New Zealand’s Top Model And lock in what turned out to be a 2 year relationship.
(Here’s a picture of her.)

nz girl back

I have used this on waitresses, actresses, models, lawyers, business executives, sales women, store clerks, my university professors, cashiers, students, CEO’s millionaires…

This is something you can use within the first 15 minutes of learning it.

You’re going to get both of the gifts I just described. They are sitting on my desk, reserved just for you…

And with your permission, I’m going to ship them to you IMMEDIATELY by USPS First Class Mail when you
say “YES” to a trial subscription of the newsletter.

As a special offer to you right now, a subscription to The JT Pierce Letter… and ALL the valuable benefits that go with it… is only $39.97/month in North America, a little more overseas.

Yes, that’s right, a small monthly investment of only $39.97 as part of your personal invitation right here.

That’s 33% off the regular price, 1/3 off… and the cheapest I have EVER offered a subscription… EVER.

Understand that everyone else is paying $59.00/month and I’m planning on RAISING the price, maybe even doubling it in the near future.

I’m planning on raising the price back up to at least $59.00, and maybe even higher than that because some guys told me they almost didn’t get a subscription because it was so cheap.

So if you want to grab it for a monthly investment of only $39.97, I really think you should. It’s completely possible that if you come back when this isn’t part of your Special Offer then it’s going to be cost at least $59.00 and maybe a lot more.

I feel $39.97/month is quite a deal for the quality of information and the changes you’ll see.

There’s simply NO excuse whatsoever for not getting in on this. It’s within EVERYBODY’S budget.

Click the big orange Add to Cart button below… and

Get Both Of These Just-Released Seduction Gifts When You Subscribe To The JT Pierce Letter Here and Now!

Magnetic Profile Customer Special

Reserve your subscriber spot by clicking the Add To Cart button right now!



Discover the methods, techniques, and secrets to attracting almost ANY woman… even if you have had no success with women in the past, are frustrated with “the game”, or feel like “settling” is just part of life. The techniques in the JT Pierce Letter have been tested by hundreds of guys and are based on simple facts about women’s sexuality that you’ve probably never heard before. This is a NO B.S. look at what you can do to become the man every woman wants. The seduction and persuasion techniques presented are incredibly effective and you have a responsibility to use them to do only good in the world.

Magnetic Profile Customer Special

Click the “Add To Cart” Button below.

Magnetic Profile Customer Special

As soon as you subscribe you can let me know where
you want your free gifts and subscription sent!


The JT Pierce Letter is an Insider’s Membership Only Subscription for men who want to learn the methods, techniques, and secrets to attracting almost ANY woman. This is a NO B.S. look at what you can do right now to become the man every woman wants. The seduction and persuasion techniques presented are incredibly effective and you have a
responsibility to use them to do only good in the world.