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Online dating profile examples – these great profiles for men attract women

Online dating profile examples for men that get women to send you messages

Here’s the link to Inbox Overload if you want women to reply to your messages.

You asked for online dating profiles examples for men, so I thought I would give you a few great ones. Some guys think they need to have a funny online dating profile. Not me (or you I hope). I’m not there to entertain. I have one goal in mind and that is to…


That’s all I want. I just want them to get attracted and curious and email me. The goal isn’t to entertain them. Or tell your life story Or sell yourself to them… The best online dating profile examples for men will get the girl to think “This guy sounds really cool! I think I’ll email him!!!” and then have them send you a message. This is the exact technique I use when writing profiles for my clients. And, depending on the pictures men have up, they get between one and 4 messages a day from NEW women.

online dating profile examples online dating keyboard with keys that have a man, woman and heart in the center

Great online dating profiles for men get women to email you, that’s all we’re looking for.

So, with that in mind, here are some of the… Best online dating profile examples for men:

Start out like you’re friends sitting around chatting

Let’s start at the top. You want your profile to be fun and conversational. You want to look like a guy who’s just enjoying his life and would love to have a woman to enjoy it with. You want to invite her into, and make her a part of your life.

So start out with something that makes it look like you’re already friends… Okay, so I know you checked out my pictures and you’re back for more. Great. 🙂 I’m going to take the dog for a walk while you find out a little more about me here. Enjoy, and shoot me a message or wink or whatever when you’re done so we can get to know each other.

That’s the intro to your dating profile. You keep it light, make it different and a little fun. And tell her that you want her to send you a note. Some women need permission… give it her.

I haven't given up on you note from a really nice person

You don’t have to write like this in your online dating profile to get women interested, but the best online dating profiles for men read this way.

Hit her hot buttons in your main profile

Next you write your main dating profile. This is tricky. You have to hit certain buttons here. You’re looking to show her that you’re confident, enjoying life, picky, and fun. Here are some online dating profile examples that have been huge successes… My parents always wanted me to be a doctor, but I knew Information Technology was my true calling. I’m way cooler than my geeky friends and way geekier than my cool friends. I tend to stand out wherever I am. I’m currently helping businesses design websites to get more customers. It’s going very, very well. I’m very laid back, fun, and easy to get along with. I have a lot of really interesting friends who make my life all that much better. Some you probably wouldn’t talk to, and some who probably wouldn’t talk to you. 🙂 I learned to play guitar at an early age and ever since playing that first G string, I was hooked. Jazz is my favorite. There’s something soothing and deep about it that just speaks to my soul. And you get bonus points if you can sing off tune to my out of tune guitar. I’m cocky. I’ve worked hard to achieve, learn and become who I am and that’s brought me a lot of confidence. I like the me that I am now much better than the old version of me. But don’t worry, I don’t think I’m better than you. Your amazing girl parts give you triple points from the word “go”!

We also had some things in there about what he wanted in a woman. This was an average online dating profile example, and the first day this was up my client got 26 messages.

Tell her to send you a message at the end of your profile

(And before you read how to close your online dating profile, you should know that each guy is different. I’ve written hundreds of dating profiles for men and each one is unique. This profile matches this guy’s interests and personality… well we spice it up a little bit. And you’re different, so follow the method here without copying and pasting this profile.)

Now, at the end of your write-up you want to ask the girl to message you again. This is HUGE. We have seen responses double with just this one technique. Here is an example you can adapt for your online dating profile:

If you think we’d get along, send me a short message, I’d be happy to hear from you. Who knows, it could be the start of something amazing!

There you go, that’s a pretty good example of an online profile for men. It consistently got between 1 and 4 messages from NEW women every day for over 2 months before enough women saw it that it got stale. But in that 2 months one guy went out with 28 different woman. (Most guys only want a few women though.)

I have an entire eBook on writing a profile that gets women to email you. It includes hitting her attraction triggers, the best headlines, and what you have to have for pictures. You might want to get my book on online dating profile writing.

I just finished a second post on online dating profile examples for men. Also, I found a good post on writing your online dating profile here.

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  • emily

    where you tell the guy to tell the girl to send a message would work on me. adn the part where he writes kinda flowery is good. most guys try to be tough, it doesn’t work for me and my girlfriends.

    • JT

      WOW! I don’t get many women writing emails or leaving comments, Emily. Glad you agree with me here, especially on the “flowery talk”. Some guys think it’s lame, but as you said… it works! and thanks for not ripping into me for giving this stuff away to guys. 🙂

  • Bruce

    does that work on all girls?

    • JT

      No, but most. I’m not exactly who it doesn’t work on since they don’t email us. But it does work with attractive women in all kinds of jobs and ages. Though in the over 60 age group we don’t have enough data yet. But anyone under 60 it gets guys more responses. We are finding that having a good picture is now more important than ever though.

  • Adam

    I just added online-dating-mastery.com to my feed reader, great stuff. Can not get enough!

    • JT

      Glad you like it, Adam. And thanks to everyone who has been sending personal emails to me and telling me of your success. Love to hear it!! JT

  • tom

    Thanks for the advice, I’ll try this out and let you know what happens!

    • JT

      Awesome Tom. I look forward to hearing how it goes! 🙂

    • Muh

      I’m going to stop talking about myself so much on first dates. I’m proud of what I do for a living and who I am, but it’s been suggested that girls don’t like guys that talk about themselves a lot on a date, but I used it to fill the awkward silence .but I think I should cool it.

      • JT

        It’s been said that the most interesting person is the most interested. So, yeah, probably a good idea to let her talk and become attracted to you.

  • William

    “Your amazing girl parts give you triple points from the word “go”!”

    Doesn’t that turn women off, Or am I missing something?

    • JT

      Hey William,

      You’re right this is kinda a risky line to put in there. if the rest of your profile has this sort of fun, playful vibe to it, you’d be okay. but you do run the risk as coming off as creepy or as someone who just doesn’t get it if it’s not congruent with the rest of your profile. good point. JT

  • Chris


    Why can’t you be honest and tell the girl how you want to treat her so that she will know what to expect?
    i.e. give her little surprises, be there for her when she needs you, truly care for her, you will be honest, etc.
    Or does this take the mystery away?
    Why is it so bad to be a nice person?
    Is it boring?
    Why do you have to be a “jerk like”?
    Does the woman have a devil inside of her?

    It sounds that we succeed if we try to manipulate women.

    I understand you have to be charismatic, charming with your personality, confident, fun to attract women, especially fun.

    I’d like to know how women would respond to these questions

    Btw, I bought your book and reading it.

    • JT

      Hey Chris,

      Let me see if I can answer some of your questions here…

      One common mistake guys make is being jerks to women. the other common thing is see guys do is be overly nice and kiss the girl’s ass.

      Somewhere between the two is the ideal place to be when meeting women. you don’t want to be a dick, but you have to let her know that you are your own man and her opinions and ideas don’t matter to you.

      Not that you can’t be convinced, but you aren’t willing to change what you do or how you act just because you think she’d like it. you have to have a backbone. That doesn’t mean being a jerk, that just means that you know who you are and are confident in who you are.

      All the nice little things are fine. I wouldn’t start with them, and when you do have a nice surprise for her, she has to know that she’s earned it.

      That’s the key. You aren’t just being nice for the sake of being nice. You are doing nice things for her because she’s earned those things and deserves them.

      It’s not bad to be a nice person. I am incredibly nice by nature, and I treat my women very well. Almost all of the women I’ve dated have said that I’m the nicest guy they’ve ever been with. But I don’t kiss their asses, and I don’t pander to their whims. I do nice things because they deserve it.

      No, the devil is not inside every woman. In fact, I’ve found very, very few women who were bad people. Any guy who thinks women are evil is an idiot and doesn’t understand them… and he’s probably bitter because he can’t get the one(s) he wants.

      I don’t know where you got the manipulating women thing from, but if you’re reading my site, you’ll see that we are being completely honest with them. Playing a game, yes. But playing fairly and with integrity.

      As for how women would respond to these questions, ask them. Then take what they tell you with a grain of salt. What people (men included) say they want and what actually makes them attracted to someone are often quite different.


  • Dan

    Hey man I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to write something worth reading . I am all over the internet and I see so much useless junk that is just created for the sake of putting something new on their site . It takes passion to make good stuff, thanks for caring.

    • JT

      You bet man. Glad you’re one of the guys making this the number one site for guys who are online dating. Thanks a lot!