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Online Dating Profile Headline

Writing a Killer Online Dating Profile Headline

Choosing the right online dating profile headline is easy if you follow our examples here.

Having the right headline for your online dating profile can screen out people you do not want.

Real quick here before we get into choosing your online dating profile headline…

I hope things are going well for you, it’s been crazy here. I did some work on the website for you to make it easier to get around the site and I’ve started an offline program for guys to improve their skills meeting women.

And, thanks for all your emails, you guys are keeping me busy!

Okay, some quick stuff on choosing online dating headlines and I’ll get to some more of your emails…

Your Online Dating Profile Headline

First of all, your headline doesn’t have to be great, it doesn’t even have to be good.

It just can’t be bad. By bad, I mean something that keeps women from reading your profile.

I’ve seen guys use romantic headlines, movie quotes, their philosophies, and sappy stuff in their dating headlines… and I tested all those too. What I found was that nothing really seemed to grab them, but some of these turned them off.

Remember that in the world of online dating that women are going through profiles the same way you are, they’re looking for reasons to DISQUALIFY someone and go on to the next person. There are just too many options, too many guys, and they use way different criteria than normal to decide to keep finding out about you or not.

So, keep your dating headline profile simple, boring, even innocuous.

And yeah, I know this sounds counter-intuitive in the online dating world where everyone sounds the same and our goal is to stand out from the crowd.

Using a catchy headline in your dating profile is okay if you only want women of that specific type.

The 3 Big Guys on the original Star Trek

We ARE going to make you stand out, but I want you to get your hooks in a little bit before you start to show your uniqueness. That means we need to get them to look at a few of your pictures and read the opening of your profile write-up before we go out on a limb and start telling them our life philosophies.

That’s not to say that if you’re a Trekkie who only wants to date other Star Trek fans that you can’t tell them in the headline. But it’s going to limit the number and types of women who respond to you if you put something like “Beam Me Up, Scottie” in your headline. You’re going to get Star Trek fans and that’s about it.

One of the best headlines I tested that got good results I stole from Google. I saw it on one of their ads. It was simply “Are You There?” I thought that if the guys at Google, with all their research used it, there might be something to it. And I was right.

Are you there was the best headline we tested. Thanks to Google for the idea.

Another one that is working well right now on guy’s profiles… depending on the guy’s personality, and what he’s using from my book Magnetic Profiles is “It Started With A Kiss”. As long as the profile write-up has a masculine feel to it, this is working well.

With your headline out of the way, the next thing for you to do is write your profile or choose the best pictures.

And if you’re going to try to write your own profile, I’d suggest taking a look at the book I mentioned above first. There are too many mistakes you can make that will keep women from even clicking on your profile to go it alone.

Talk again soon, and watch out… I’m feeling a rant coming on!

Enjoy– JT