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The Objects of Your Attention

Thanks to the guys at stylelife for writing this up!

The Objects of Your Attention

The types of women according to Robert Greene in his book, The Art of Seduction

The types of women according to Robert Greene in his book, The Art of Seduction

After yesterday’s post where I mentioned Green’s different types of women, a bunch of guys emailed me and asked for all of them.

I’m happy to do what I can for you! Here you are…

The 9 Types of Girls and how to Seduce them

The Reformed Siren: Seduce a Siren by giving her the impression that she still has the irresistible power to draw a man in and make him give up everything for her. Remember you are offering her not a relationship, but the chance to have some fun and escape her current stifling conditions.

The Disappointed Dreamer: An idealistic person who has been disappointed by the reality of life. Recognize them by the books they read and the films they watch. They are often trapped in drab relationships. The have a great deal of pent-up passion and energy, great imaginations, and respond to vagueness. All them to live their fantasy through you. Do not allow reality to break the illusion, they will leave quickly.

The Pampered Royal: Spoiled as children, they are taught that others will entertain them. They are lazy and grow bored easily. They find pleasure in variety and move quickly from relationship to relationship. What they are truly looking for is a parental figure who will give them the spoiling they crave. Provide them with a lot of variety: new places to visit, new experiences, color, spectacle. You must maintain mystery and remain unpredictable. Recognize them by the turmoil in their past.

The New Prude: They stay rigorously within the boundary of societal correctness and maintainappropriate and acceptable behavior. Deep down, however, they are excited and intrigued by guilty, transgressive pleasures. They long to transgress. They are prime targets for a Rake or Siren, or someone with a dangerous or naughty side.

You can draw them into a seduction by giving them a chance to criticize or reform you, and use the opportunity to spend time with them. They will be seduced merely by being around you. They seem drab at first … but they are simply asleep, waiting to awakened.

The Crushed Star: They were at one point the center of attention and have lost it. To seduce them, make them the center of attention again. Get them to talk, particularly about themselves. They are susceptible to the Charmer. To the extent that you make them radiate, they will fall madly in love with you. If you are a Star or Dandy, avoid this type.

The Novice: They are innocent, without much experience in the world, or at least seem to be so.
Seduction is easy but requires some skill. They are interested in people with experience, particularly people with a touch of corruption or evil. Do not make the touch too strong and frighten them, however.

Mix your qualities – be playful and childlike, but give them a glimpse into your hidden depths. Make everything romantic, not ugly or seedy. Mix innocence and corruption.

The Conqueror: Lots of energy, always looking for someone new to conquer. Make yourself a worthy target, to not give in. Pull away and be a coquette. Keep them charging back and forth like a bull.

The Exotic Fetishist: They do not like their upbringing, they do not like themselves, so they search outwardly for fulfillment. They feel empty inside and have strong dose of self-loathing. They like to travel,they fill their houses with objects from distant places, they fetishize foreign cultures. They are often rebellious. Position yourself as an exotic – you must appear to come from a different background or race, or be drastically different in some way.

The Drama Queen: They cannot do without some constant drama in their lives. Do not offer them stability and security. They want pain, it is their source of pleasure. You must give them rough treatment mentally, if you are too nice, they will find a way to get rid of you. You can recognize them by the tragedies and traumas that have befallen them. If you want a long-term relationship with them, you will constantly have to inject drama in their life.

For ways you can use this information to seduce women, check out this post.