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What To Text A Girl You Like

What to text a girl you like

Coming up with the first text to a girl you like is not easy. Follow these tips to see if she likes you

If you are stuck wondering what to text a girl you like, you’re not alone.

This is one area of attraction that most guys mess up, and you don’t want to blow it before you even get a fighting chance.

I have a really good product that has a lot of things to text a girl, but some of the techniques are a little advanced.

I want you to have a solid foundation so you don’t have to go through what I went through.

So I’m going to give you ONE text message and you can change it to make it perfect for your situation. We want you to get this girl.

Texting a girl you like

There are a couple of situations where you need to know what to text a girl you like. The first one is if she’s given you her number directly during a pickup or regular conversation. We’ll go over that tomorrow since it’s a little different.

The second is when you just kinda end up with her number which is what happens most of the time and is the hardest.

Maybe you worked on a project or assignment together. Or you got her number from a friend. Or the two have you known each other for a long time and things look like they might be heating up. But some way where you’re not really sure if she likes you or not.

In this case you want to sort of test the waters, but you don’t want to be stuck looking like an idiot and not having anything else to say if the girl you like doesn’t respond to your text.

Use a variation of this text with a girl you like

So here’s a message you can use right now when you want to text a girl…

Hey Steph, JT here. A bunch of us are going skiing this afternoon. Wanna join us? Leaving in an hour so answer quick.

Why this works when texting a girl…

First of all, you are showing her that you have a life and you’re doing exciting things. The skiing can be changed to anything you enjoy doing…

Skydiving, going to the swimming hole, bowling, hanging out at the mall, even studying.

And you DON’T have to be really doing whatever it is you invite her to. (We’ll cover that in a second.)

The other thing this message does is make it EASY for you to text the girl again, or even call her, if she doesn’t get back to you in an hour.

All you do is text or call her later and say she missed a great time and hopefully she can tag along next time.

Another thing I like about using this kind of thing to text a girl is that even if she doesn’t get back to you in an hour, she CAN STILL text you later and not look stupid.

All she has to do if she’s interested is shoot you a message back that says Sorry I missed it. How was skiing? And she can do it anytime in the next few days and not look dumb. You want to make it easy for her to show you she likes you.

Now, let’s say she texts you back and you’re really NOT going skiing with your friends.

No problem. You just tell her that everyone bailed and ask her if she wants to go anyway. Or…

You can say that you can’t go skiing (out too late, hurt your leg, meeting a friend, whatever), but if she wants to go do X together, that would be cool.

The idea is that we are finding out if she likes you without risking anything. This kind of text message lets you know where you stand with her… and you don’t have to end up looking stupid if she’s not interested yet.

Keep your text message simple and make it easy for her to reply to.

So here’s your action step:
Send a text to the girl you like inviting her to do something cool and fun with you using the ideas here.

It’s that easy.

And if you do that…

Even if you’re new here, even if you’re not subscribed to the updates… let me know what’s up and I’ll do my best to help you.


Oh, you can get the product I have on texting here if you want.

For the next post on what to text a girl you like if she gave you her number, you can find that here.