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Why I Help Guys With Online Dating Advice

Why I decided to become a dating consultant

I get quite a few questions about things related to online dating advice…

And once in a while someone will ask me why I put so much work into this site and just helping guys out in general.

I love it when I get messages like that. Because it shows that someone appreciates what I’m doing for you here.

Let me tell you why I do this…

See, for years I was someone no one would trade places with. I was socially awkward. I had no clue. I didn’t understand women and had only one friend.

It was a pretty lame existence and I lived it for almost 20 years. Well… I guess it wasn’t all bad. I was a great wrestler and worked my butt off at it. But for the most part, I was a loner.

That was over 20 years ago, but I can still remember some pretty embarrassing situations where I just didn’t “get it” and made a complete fool of myself. (But, I was determined to figure “it” out. And I did, but that’s not the reason for this post.)

Believe me… those were some pretty miserable days.

And I don’t want any good guy to have to live in that kind of reality.

So, I started this site a few months ago to help guys who… like me all those years ago, are good people… but just don’t have “it” figured out.

For me, the key was becoming a better person and getting good at girls. Along with that success came social validation. All of a sudden I wasn’t some loser wrestler who dressed in faggy little tights and rolled around with guys, I was a man who got women.

I got respect from guys, I got attention from girls, and I got admiration from almost everyone I met. It was a whole new world for me…

All opened up because I learned how to attract women.

Now, I’m sure there are other ways to change your life, but I know of nothing I’m better at, or anything more fun than learning how to attract beautiful women while becoming your best self.

See, I used to be a motivational speaker and I wrote a little book on what it takes to be successful. How to be your best self and reach your potential in all areas. And I was really good at all that.

But, my real love is women. I’ve spent a lifetime figuring out how to attract them, and in the process dated some of the most beautiful, amazing women in the world—from all over the world.

There are maybe 10 people at most who know what I know and are as good at women or online dating as me in the entire world.

And most of these guys are, in my opinion, jerks. They use women, they have no respect for themselves or the women they seduce. They’re on an ego trip.

Not my kind of guys…

But I diverge… the point is that I figured why not take my passion, helping people become their best selves, and the one thing I’ve spent my 10,000 hours at, seducing women (read Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers)… and combine them into the ultimate “job”?

Malcolm Gladwell Outliers

Well, that’s what I’m doing here.

And that’s why I CARE so much about the guys who are here and the guys who buy my products. That’s why I make my products better than anyone else’s. That’s why I take so much time with questions and answering my messages. That’s why I care so much about you.

Because I love what I do, and I don’t want ANYONE to live like I did in that misery any longer.

Plus, I’m been with so many women now that it’s really kind of boring. There’s no challenge in it for me anymore. But, as I help you become better with women, and in the process become a better person, it gets me pumped to know I’m making a difference in your life. And the guys I work with get A WHOLE LOT MORE EXCITED about it when they get those Penthouse forum style stories than I ever do for myself anymore.

Why the focus on online dating and online dating advice? Well, more on that next time.

For the secrets of writing a profile that gets women to email you, you might want to check out my eBook on writing online dating profiles.

Also, if you want to know exactly what your competition is saying to these women, I have hundreds of emails guys sent to a fake profile I put up. You’ll learn a lot about what to do and not to do!